February 2007

OLM Supports Being Green

OLM Supports Being "Green" ~Ed Jensen It seems that you cannot avoid seeing more and more articles about buildings going "green" and buildings being LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. What does that mean to OLM and the landscape industry?

What the Property Manager may not understand is that the landscapers of the world have been in support of this philosophy for years. They didn't label it LEED or "green". They just learned that to be competitive it made sense.

  • If the trucks and equipment were not fuel efficient, even with the long-gone days of cheap fuel their costs affected the bottom line.
  • If they misused chemicals, not only could they lose their licenses but the negative publicity could ruin their business. IPM (Integrated Pest Management) has been practiced and taught for well over 30 years!
  • Properly timing fertilizations and pest control applications to provide the greatest benefit allows less chemicals to be use, lowers waste of chemicals and is better for the plant material.
  • Clustering accounts in order to minimize drive time gains efficiencies and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Having their mechanics keep up with preventative maintenance practices on trucks and equipment creates an opportunity to be "green".

Did you know that when you spray a large hardwood to control scale, for example, 80% or more of the chemical is lost in the air? However, when you inject a tree with a Mauget-type product virtually 100% of the chemical goes to where it's needed and much less chemical is used.

How many times have you heard your OLM consultant quiz the landscape manager about the irrigation system? Does the clock work? What are the run times? Are you taking full advantage of the programs available in the new computerized clocks? Have you recommended moisture sensors? Why is this shrub bed too wet?

In the next issue of The Grapevine we will talk about simple, effective ways a Property Manager can encourage their properties going green - in more ways than one!

Away in a meadow all covered with snow The little old groundhog looks for his shadow The clouds in the sky determine our fate If winter will leave us all early or late. ~Don Halley

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Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever.
~ Unknown


It's a new year at OLM and for all our friends! We are proud to list a few of our valued clients in each issue of The Grapevine:


Rivermoore Park, CMA (GA) - since 1998

Northwoods Community Development District (FL) - since 2004

Sugarloaf Country Club (GA) - since 1998

Twin Creeks, CMA (TX) - since 1995

Twin Creeks II, CMA (TX) - since 2005


Hidden River, Crescent Resources (FL) - since 2001

If you would like to see your property and/or company listed in The Grapevine just send a note to newsletter@olminc.com. Many thanks from the staff of OLM!

It takes one eye opened to meet your true love, but both eyes closed to keep them.
~ Unknown

Need help? Have questions? Whether it concerns home or at work, contact OLM by phone, e-mail or fax and we will be glad to assist!

Love is pulling together against all odds. ~ Unknown

Contact us:

OLM, Inc.
975 Cobb Place Blvd.
Suite 304
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Call us: (770) 420-0900

E-mail: newsletter@olminc.com
Online: www.olminc.com